Mediterranean Spaghetti Squash with Chicken

My guy and I are doing a fitness month challenge. His big fitness hurdle is food- basically if its healthy he doesn't like it. My biggest fitness hurdle is time and waking up early enough to make time with out the littles using me as a jungle gym while trying to do downward dog or tree pose. So I proposed that if- for a month he ate everything I made- no trans fats, refined grains, or refined sugars except for one cheat meal a week, then I would wake up at 6 every morning to work out. I will also be following the clean diet, its just much easier for me as that is typically how I prefer to eat. 
Yesterday was day one, and I have to say he has been a great sport- eating my green smoothie for breakfast, banana pumpkin bran muffins for a snack (he doesn't like banana, pumpkin, or bran. They are pretty good though, ill post that recipe later) omelet for lunch, etc. So for dinner I was a bit nervous, I wanted something really healthy that he would like. I decided to try spaghetti squash because he is a huge pasta fan. I have never made spaghetti squash before so it was a bit of a shot in the dark. I found this recipe on line-
and adapted it because of either preference, availability, or what I thought he might actually eat. This is what I came up with -
 Poke one medium spaghetti squash all over with a fork. When buying, look for the most yellow one.
 Preheat the oven to 375, place squash in a baking dish with a bit of water, maybe half to one inch. Cook in oven for 1-1 1/2 hours.
While the little squash friend is cooking, heat a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of butter in a skillet over medium heat. Mince 3-4 cloves of garlic. I really like garlic so I did a bit more than that. You are probably now glad that you are not standing next to me.
 Saute garlic in oil and butter for about a minute, you don't want it to burn at all, it makes the garlic bitter
 Whisk in three tablespoons of whole wheat flour, let cook for a minute or two so that the 'flour' flavor is cooked out some.
 Slowly whisk in a cup of white wine
 Slowly whisk in a cup of water and one cup of milk- at least slowish
 Add two teaspoons of thyme, one teaspoon of sage, one and a half teaspoons of salt and a bit of pepper.
Add 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese and a dash or two of nutmeg- I know it sounds odd but i'm telling you, it makes it awesome. Let the sauce simmer and thicken. It is a thinner sauce, so don't be too worried if its not getting super thick. 
 When the squash is done pull it out and cut it open. Let it cool and then scoop out the stringy darker things and seeds. Or be like me, not wait for it to cool and burn your hands. That's cool too.
 Scrape out the insides with a fork, some of the pieces you have to kind of shred. Place in a bowl- or a big ol'  measuring cup. I was too lazy to get another one out, that was sitting on my counter. Yes, I realize that is pretty lazy. Dump the sauce over the 'noodles'. Rinse the pan and add a bit of olive oil. 
  Chop one large or two small chicken breasts, season with salt, pepper, and yes- a bit of garlic powder. Add to the heated olive oil.  Cook over medium heat till white, then sear over high heat to create a crust. This is the key to amazing chicken. If you don't do it your chicken will be sad little white pieces. For real.

Add your not sad, nicely crusted chicken into the 'noodles'.
 Dice two tomatoes and add. My guy did request that the tomatoes be cooked next time, I personally like them fresh and heated from the food. But because I like my guy happy- especially if he is eating healthy food- I will add them to the chicken for a minute or two while its cooking. 
The origional recipe called for black olives but we were out, It would also be awesome with fresh basil and artichoke hearts. That's what next time is for!

Mix all the yummies together, dish it up, sprinkle parmesan cheese on top and enjoy! Probably the best 90% vegetable dinner I have had. My guy gave it a 7. Total miracle, he hates squash. 

-Why you should eat this-
Spaghetti Squash-
* High carotene content protects against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes
* One of the highest alpha-carotene and beta-carotene contents in most diets. Alpha-carotene and beta- carotene improve the immune and reproductive systems, as well as protect from free radicals.
*High content of good starch that has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-diabetic and insulin-regulating properties.
*One cup contains more than 200%  DV of vitamin A, which protects and improves eye sight, and fights off viral infections.     
*Was considered so important to Native Americans that it was buried with them to provide nourishment on their final journey             
1 Medium spaghetti squash
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 Tablespoon butter
3-4 cloves garlic
3 Tablespoons whole wheat flour
1 cup white wine
1 cup water
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons thyme
1 teaspoon sage
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
Dash of nutmeg
A few dashes of garlic powder
2 tomatoes


  1. Ooh love this post! My husband and I are trying to eat healthier- and change our lifestyle a bit. Thanks for the new recipe!


  2. Thanks Kendall! I will try to post any recipes I think are pretty good throughout this month, hopefully it helps you out!
