Colic/ Gassy Baby Remedy

Colic/ Gassy Baby Remedy
Over this past Easter Weekend I ate a few things that made my baby not so happy. He has been the least fussy of all my kids, but he still doesn't seem to love it when I eat chocolate, cabbage, and especially not any heavy dairy products such as cream. And of course who doesn't eat a bit of chocolate and ice cream over Easter? Yes I realize ice cream and Easter don't especially go hand in hand, but lets pretend shall we? So little baby #3 has been pretty fussy and farty, and I remember a while ago reading that fennel tea is supposed to work really well, not only for babies but for the larger gassy varieties too. In another place I read that some people boil onions and give the water to a coliky baby (almost like a tea). So I thought "Why not try both?"

I roughly chopped a quarter of an onion and put it into the bottom of a quart jar (for some reason my family has always made tea in mason jars, so we were cool before jars were cool) along with about a tablespoon of fennel seeds. Then I poured boiling water over them, filling the jar about 3/4ths of the way. I covered it and let it seep for about 15 minutes, poured some into a bottle, added a small ice cube, and gave it to the little guy.
I was a bit suspicious, I mean onion and fennel tea? Sounds delish - but he drank it up. And for the first time that day he was happy while being awake. Coincidence? Possibly. But I tend to think not.
 I suppose you could add a little caro syrup but I'm weird and am not into giving my baby refined sugars, a little stevia could work well too, but try it straight, your baby might just take it. 
I hope this helps- a gassy, crying baby is the saddest thing ever. 

*I am just someone trying to heal my family naturally, I have no training in medicine or nutrition. I feel this is a safe practice, and have had no negative outcomes. Please use common sense with your baby. 

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